Before & After School Care
For Lower School Students
Before and/or after school and holiday care is available in our Early Learning Center for elementary students from kindergarten through sixth grade. In conjunction, a variety of enrichment activities -- such as dance, karate, art, and computer -- are available for an additional fee.
Space is limited to 21 students. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact the ELC with any questions.
Before School Care-only Rate:
Hours: 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.
snack is not provided
1 Child = $37
2 Children = $58
3 Children = $73
After School Care-only Rate:
Hours: 2:55 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.
afternoon snack is provided
1 Child = $125
2 Children = $200
Before AND After School Rate:
1 Child = $130
2 Children = $225
Camp Hooper holiday care: $30 per day / $150 per week (includes lunch, morning, and afternoon snack)
Signed Parent Center Agreement along with completed DHR-CDC-739 form required for admission.
For Upper School Students
After school care for students in grades 7-12 will begin each day at 3:15 pm. Students must be picked up no later than 5:30 pm.
One Child = $125
Two Children = $200
Three Children = $250
Daily Drop-In Rate: $20
If a student is not picked up by 5:30 pm, parents will be assessed $3 per minute that they are late.
Students in Grades 7-12 who are on campus after 3:15 p.m. and who are not with a coach or a teacher will be taken to after school care and the parent will be assessed $20 for that day.
Students will be released to the parent/guardian and/or emergency contact listed on the student’s Student Information Sheet/Registration Form. A photo ID might be necessary for pickup.
All school rules will apply to after school care. (This includes the use of cell phones.)
Please note that if a student is signed up for after school care on a monthly basis, that student is responsible for being in the designated room no later than 3:15 p.m. Staff will not expect, nor look for, a student who is signed up, as we know that there will be days where students will be picked up by a parent, go to a ballgame, etc. If no students arrive in the after school care room by 3:30 pm, then the staff member will assume that no students will be present that day and will go home.
If a parent’s after school care account is delinquent at the time of progress reports and report cards, those items will be held, and parent access to RenWeb will be suspended until the account is current.