Weekly Update | January 16, 2025

Weekly Update | January 16, 2025

Congratulations to everyone that made the Headmaster's and A/B Honor Roll for the 2nd Nine Weeks.  Keep up the great work. We will have a special treat at break/snack next week for everyone that made the Honor Roll.  The 2nd Nine Weeks Honor Roll is attached. 


Congratulations to Jenna Conway, Katie Robinson and Kinsley White they won 2nd Place in the High School Science Inquiry Division at the District V Science Fair.  They will compete in the State Science Fair on Friday, January 24th


We will be sending home the information regarding the mandatory Spring Fundraiser with all students tomorrow, Friday, January 17th.  If you have multiple children you only have to sell 5 tickets. We are sending them with all students to make sure they get home.  Please contact the office on Tuesday, January 21st if you do not receive a packet. Please sign and send back one of the two letters to verify that you received the information.


Here is the concession link for this years sign up genius - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040C4BAFAB2DA1FB6-50640141-hooper#/ - this is a great way to get your work assessment hours. 


Thursday, January 16th - Basketball all teams vs. Evangel starting at 4:00 p.m.

Friday, January 17th - Basketball all teams vs. Bessemer starting at 4:00 p.m.

Monday, January 20th - School & Daycare Holiday - Basketball all teams @ Crenshaw starting at 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 21st - Basketball all teams @ Abbeville starting at 4:00 p.m.

Thursday, January 23rd - Basketball all teams vs. Lowndes starting at 4:00 p.m.  This is Senior Night.  All Senior Basketball Players and their parents will be recognized after the end of the JV Boys Basketball Game.
 Saturday, January 25th 
- JV State Tournament @ Ft. Dale - details to follow


*Work assessment forms must be submitted within 30 days of the date the work was performed.  Otherwise, it will be invalid.

 Reminder:  Monthly tuition payments are due by the 1st of each month and delinquent after the 15th.  After the 15th of the month a $25.00 late fee will be assessed. Statements will only be sent if your payment has not been received by the 25th of the month.  If your payment is not received before the 25th a $50.00 late fee will also be assessed.  If the account is not made current by the end of the month, your child/children will not be allowed to attend class. NEW POLICY: New returned check fee schedule - 1st check $50, 2nd check $75 and 3rd & beyond $100.  This is per year.

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